CMIA Journalism Seminars
The Center for Media Integrity of the Americas hosts journalism seminars for practicing, multi-platform journalists who seek to hold truth-to-power.
In conjunction with the Philip Merrill College of Journalism Faculty, our seminar co-sponsors, and our Board of Advisors, we tailor seminar content by combining thematic substance with technical journalism skill-building modules.

How do CMIA Seminars work?
CMIA Journalism Seminars consist of a rigorous selection process to identify and convene up to fifteen diverse journalists for an intensive, one-week academic collaboration. All our seminars are in-person, with the CMIA covering all costs.
Through our broad network of industry, government, civil society, and academic collaborators, we expose seminar participants to a wide range of subject matter experts related to the seminar's core focus. This exposure to current and former ministerial and C-suite interlocutors in small group, conversational settings allows for an enriching journalistic conversation to occur.
All forms of media are covered and discussions produce excellent crosstalk and synergy across national and personal experience boundaries, leading to future productive journalistic collaborations among our seminar participants.
Our current partnership with the
United Nations Development Programme
Since 2024, the Center for Media Integrity of the Americas has proudly partnered with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). UNDP’s regional programme for Latin America and the Caribbean 2022-2025 has identified effective Governance as a key driver to build productive, inclusive and resilient societies, advancing towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Misinformation plays a relevant role in impeding effective governance by, for example, exacerbating perceptions of unresponsiveness and lack of accountability by governments, generating ill-informed decisions by citizens, and increasing mistrust.
Our partnership seeks to address two issues. First by providing accurate information and a discussion on pressing development topics for the region with journalists and social media influencers. Second, by exposing UNDP’s regional technical leads to a discussion with journalists in how to better communicate intricate problems.

Who is selected to participate in the CMIA Seminar?
Seminar participants are working journalists, both freelance and those employed by startup or traditional media organizations, from the Latin America and Caribbean region.
CMIA Collaborators, work in all media, from print to online to traditional broadcast radio and TV, as well as new media such as Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. The world is evolving, and with it, so is the media landscape. And so too, are CMIA Journalists.
To keep our conversations fluid, all seminar participants must be functionally bilingual in English and Spanish. They may speak in either language, depending upon their comfort level, but capable of fully processing mixed English/Spanish conversations.